We'll do this one in English...
Ok, so how to prepare for a day like this?
You're going to meet the persons you have been admiring, fighting for, and loved in your own special way for so long. You have been feeling with them in the music they have been writing. You have been fighting for, and somehow with, them when times have been tuff in the kind of life they live.
They have been spreading such joy for so long and they have been giving you light in your life.
Now you're going to meet them.
How do you prepare for a meeting with the band holding the key to your life?
I realised from the start that the thing to do is: Relax as much as possible and just be yourself. Easier than it sounds though. But I decided from the start that I would not go all hyper, because that's not me. I don't want to marry anyone in the band or even anything close to that. I just admire these guys so very much, because of the wonderful music they create and for the wonderful personalities they seem to carry. I care about them. There's really no explanation for it all, I just do. Care. Very much.
So it was settled. I would try to be myself, give them some presents they would enjoy and then roll with the punches. What else to do? Still, I couldnt shake off the nervousness. Simply IMpossible! One week before they would arrive, I got the news. No time, WHATsoever, to prepare mentally! Pending between panic and overjoy. Overjoy took over in the end ;)
I arrived to Stockholm on Sunday, very early in the morning. On Monday, me and my fellow Street Teamer Johanna hit the town. Time to find some epic presents! Which weren't as easy as I would have hoped, but I ended up with something for all four of them in the end. This is the road to the final presents:
Gustav was the most important one, since it would be his B-day on THE day...but still I found presents for B&T first. I bought them both an own Heidi Klum T-shirt (see pictures). One big red for Tom, and a smaller one, grey, for Bill. It seemed like an epic idea at the time, and it ended up to be kinda epic in the end as well ;) Hehe.
Then we went to a store called Carlings. They sell very "rockish" clothing and I thought that we could find some epic tees in there for Georg and Gustav. (Side note: Tees seemed like a great idea. Tees like they could really like in some way.)
When we arrived in the store, we didnt seemed to find anything fitting, so a guy came up to us and asked if he could help out. And we were like: Yeah, why not. So we describe what kind of guy Gustav was, what kind of music he listens to (did NOT mention Motorhead) and the guy handed us a Motorhead T-shirt. It looked awesome, and was in good quality. It was perfect for Gustav!
Then we described Georg (please note that we did NOT say who we were bying for) and he hands us THE perfect Georg tee! It's hard to describe how it looked like, but it was made for him!
Said and done, the presents were final! If only the guy in store knew who he were picking out clothing for ;)
Will skip all the complete nervousness I went through mentally before it was time. It was just an inner journy which can't be described in words.
At Tuesday evening, I met up with the M&G winners, Kenza and a guy from Universal. Together we took the small walk to the Sheraton Hotel, were we would all meet the guys. Eric (from Universal) said that we should enter from the garage, since so many fans were gathered outside the main entrance of the hotel.
While waiting in the garage, a guy from the Hotel opens up for us, and we walk through what would have been the backroom/luggage-room of the check-in disk. We took the elevator up together to "I have no idea which floor". Lol.
We were asked to wait right outside the elevators. I stood there, sweating like all my makeup off and just tried to breathe. While I was fighting with my inner Me, Bills mr.Tall Bodyguard showed up. And he is INDEED tall!!! I tell you, it wasnt much room between him and the ceiling. At first I was like: Oh my God, he's tall and kinda scary. But then he turned around, wearing that little bag through his waist and show off the goofiest smile ever. Then he didnt seem that dangerous anymore ;)
Still fighting with my inner Me, when a guy from Universal showed up, which I was very happy to see. Then it felt very much real all of a sudden. I think it was thanks to him showing up in the Hotel corridor that I could realise that this was actually happening.
Eric came back, after fixing and trixing with something for a while, and told us to walk with him. In the end of the Hotel corridor there was a room. THE room. Seemed to be a small kind of conference room.
"Walk inside, stand in a line and wait for the guys to enter." That was what we were told. That,and: "No hugging, no kissing the guys!" No kissing, like duh! But I would not have minded to give them all a hug.
Anyway, yet again; what felt like an endless waiting. That's what happens when you're on your way to do something like this. Every minut seem like ages.
Omg. So, ok. OMG! Tom just entered the room, and it felt...what's the word? SURREAL! It felt surreal. After him came Georg, Gustav and Bill. As I said; SURREAL! Just a few meters away from me they were, and while they were shaking the hands of the persons before me (like 9 persons maybe?) all I could think was: This can NOT be happening, this is so surreal! I thought so, till the moment Tom took my hand. My body reacted: Skin touching skin, eyes meeting eyes. Body noting: HUMAN! Then it was all so clear and almost scaringly normal. Human meeting human. I had realised it at the Fanparty aswell at the signing session, but clearly that realization had gone *POOF* away. At least until the moment I shook Tom's hand. It all came flying back to me, and of course it would. Becasue they are human and I can NOT understand why it is SO hard to realise that!? I think all the time that I very damn much know that. Like duh! But somehow, you have come to like these guys so so much, without knowing them personally, that the result sometimes become; that you have a hard time to register the fact that you could actually meet them.
Looking into a persons eyes, and touching skin. You look in to the persons soul and you feel that the other person also can feel. That's what does it.
After Tom came Georg, and I can confirm the feelings I had at the FP. The persons I have the best "personal energy" with is Tom and Georg. I had THE strongest urge to just hug Georg, but instead of doing that, I smiled what I would like to call an honest "Hi, I really think you seem to be an awesome person"- smile. He smiled back as only Georg can do (that almost over-friendly smile) and said "Hello".
When Gustav passed by...omg I dont know what goes wrong with me as soon as Gustav is in front of me. Its like I get the urge to just talk to him in a way I dont do with the others. Maybe because he IS so quiet. More of that will come later also. Anyway, when he passed me, I hear myself saying: "Hi" and then "Nice shirt." This, even though the shirt weren't that special, it just had some nice colors in it! I dont even think I liked the shirt that much, but still I seemed to have the need to say that to him, and also POKE him on his TUMMY!? Like, pointing at the shirt! But OMG woman! lol XD
After Gustav came this awesomely unhuman (humanoid) gorgeous tall guy! That's all I could think of when I saw Bill: Wow...Gorgeous, not human, and so very very tall! I shook his hand, looked UP at him and put on my goofy face and said: "Nice to meet you."
After shaking hands, they went another round. Time to sign stuff! We could get two items each signed. I decided to bring a FAA shirt (which we will have a give away with in the Street Team later on) and the Arthur und die Mini.M cover for Johanna. I don't know how I managed to multitask in that moment, but somehow I managed to take pictures before they reached to me and handle the stuff they should sign at the same time. In that kind of moment, that is mighty hard to manage XD
Tom, Georg and Bill all signed the FAA shirt. Went very smoothly, but then I had to stop Bill for a moment. I had forgotten the Arthur cover! So I stopped him, "pulled" him back and asked him if he could sign that too. And ofc he could, but in the meantime Gustav had to stand waiting. Of course. lol. Not for a long time, but still. The flow was broken. That's just how I roll ;)
After the signing, I am quite sure that there was a pause before we all should take pictures with them, because I don't think I would have had the time to do this between shootings;
Time for presents! I managed to fish up Gustavs shirt from my bag, and then I marched up to him with very firm steps. And since it's Gustav, I seem to have the urge to act as "flimsy" and "giddy" as possible. Maybe to create a contrast? I have no idea. Lol. Anyway, I'm holding up the shirt in front of him like: "Looky looky what I got!" Like a kid showing their parents a drawing they did on kindergarten or something like that. This I did, with a major dorky smile (ofc) and a "Aren't I the overenergic funny one" -attitude. Saying "happy birthday Gustav".
He did actually put on something like a smile, saying "Thank You" in a kinda surprised voice. Maybe he wasnt prepared on getting something he could actually wear. He looked honestly pleased with the gift, which makes me happy.
Ok, so time to bring on the rest of the gifts. I grabbed the other tees and marched up to the others, saying (still WAY too perky) "I got presents for everyone". Felt like a character which could have been named "Happy Chappy", or something like that. Lol.
I handed over Georgs shirt first. I think he smiled and said "Thank You" even before he saw what it was. But then he looked at it and seemed to be kind of pleased. That's the intention I got. But to be honest, he seemed even more excited about Tom's shirt ;)
When I handed over the HUGE Heidi tee for Tom, everyones attention seemed to be on that tee. Lol! Bill had this HUGE smile over his face when I handed it over to Tom. And the smile on Tom's face weren't bad either =) They all seemed to react on that shirt.
Ok, so Tom smiled when he held the shirt in front of him and said: "Oh, Heidiii" in such a very much "Hi I'm Tom Kaultz and I am VERY much German" voice. Georg catched on a bit after and repeated: "Heidiiii".
In the middle of all this, as I stand in front of Tom, I hear myself saying...to Tom...: "You can sleep in it"....
You can SLEEP IN IT!? What the HELL was that supposed to mean!? Did I SAY THAT!? Well, so it would seem. I still don't have a complete explanation to why I said that, but I guess what I was trying to say was: "Use it as a sleeping shirt", or something like that. But still..."You can sleep in it"!?
Naja, naja...
It was time to face Bill. He had clearly been amused over Tom's shirt, which in it's own way are amazing! I took my time to say something like: "Isnt it fab?" referring to the tee, or something like that. I have the feeling it came out like a whisper, more than anything else. I can't behave in front of Bill, and that's that.
I had managed to survive that mission. Now I sat down on the armchair and brought up my camera. Time for pictures! I tried to take as many pictures as possible, and at the same time just sit down and look at them. Take it all in.
I found myself taking picture after picture of Tom, when he suddenly turned to me and looked directly at me. I would say it is an understatement that he seemed to be amused. He had clearly been noticing me taking picture after picture of him, and it was clear that he was pleased and amused by the fact that my focus were on him only. I put my camera away and smiled at him. I basically confirmed what he was thinking. Was that my intention? No, but how could it be helped. Lol.
When it was my turn to take pictures with the guys, I have somekind of a blank. I don't have any memory of me going over to them, but I do remember when I suddenly stand between Georg and Bill. I felt Georgs arm on my back and I woke up, so to speak. Surreal? Yes, but very nice =)
All of us took pictures with the guys. I guess you have seen the cute kids already. Two of them are the former model Hanna Graafs kids. She has at least one of them together with Andreas Carlsson (the Swedish producer TH have been working wit on the new album) and the third one are Andy Bells (former member of Oasis) kid. Even Andy Bell took pictures with the guys, which is awesome since Georg is an Oasis fan =)
When everyone was done I heard myself yell: "Bill!"
I could see that he's looking through the room, wondering who did call his name. So I repeated: "Bill!" His eyes were on me, and I went...blank! What the HELL was I supposed to say!? I panicked for 1 second, then I looked over at Georg. He's wearing an Iron Fist tee, and I fond myself in my confusion.
"Do you know that you got sponsorship from Iron Fist yet?" I said to him. He's looking at me with a confused expression, and I understood that I would have to repeat myself.
"Do you know that you got sponsorship from Iron Fist, if you would like to?"
I pointed at Georgs shirt, just to refere to something so he would get what I was saying. I could see that a light was coming on somewhere now, so I continued with something like:
"Iron Fist are willing to sponsor your band with clothing, if you would like to. I have been speaking with them. Talk to your management about it."
He nodded with a confused, surprised and happy expression. I would guess he hadn't been prepared that someone in that room would mention something like that ;)
Shortly after that they left the room they said something like: "Thank you for coming", and then Goodbye. I was left with such a high it was crazy. High on life!
When we left the Hotel, suddenly we should walk out from the main entrance. Why I have no idea, since we
walked through the garage when we arrived. We were greeted by the fans standing outside, many of them wanting a picture of Kenza =)
Then I gladly shared as much as possible with as many as possible.
After standing outside for, almost an hour I think, there were screaming! I had no idea Swedish fans could scream so loud!
The guys were coming out, signing autographs. While signing, everyone started to sing Happy Birthday to Gustav. SUCH a nice feeling came over me =) Gustav clapped his hands, like in the end of every concert on the Zimmer 483 tour.
It was just the perfect ending of an perfect evening. Everything came together in such a nice way.
I do realise this might seem like a very long review of it all, but trust me...This is the short version. There are way more personal feelings which could have been it aswell, but I skipped many of it. Mainly because this can not really be described with words. Not really.
It's a feeling inside of me which has no name yet. It's so personal. But I think that the closest I can get to describing it is; That it feels like a natural high. Tokio Hotel make me high on life, and they make me want to carry on. There are no limits.
Before I took my first step into that room, I took the advice from the person I was so very nervous to meet: Leb die Sekunde...
/Madeleine "Jinx" Engberg
"You can sleep in it" :D Haha riktigt roligt sagt!
Du förstår inte hur avis jag var på dig när du berättade om hur det hade vart att träffa dom! Men som tur var kom dom ut tillslut ;)